Attention to standards
The quality of manufactured products and offered services is one of the most important criteria when choosing a supplier. In Hanplast we care about the best quality of products in every area of the company, because we believe that every employee can and has an influence on the satisfaction of our clients and their end customers. In the production process we use quality tools such as 5 Why, Ishikawa, 8D, PDCA, PPAP as well as methods and principles of Lean Manufacturing management: SMED, 5S, Kaizen, Andon and FMEA, Pareto, Poka-Yoke as well as RPPM, MSA analyses.
We audit products on an ongoing basis and conduct regular audits of the quality management system and suppliers.
We have measuring equipment at our disposal to ensure the quality and compliance of our products with customer guidelines:
Optical scanner - ATOS CS 2MMeasurement area 500 x 380 mm2, 125 x 90 mm2
two FireWireCCD cameras, 2 M pixels -
Baty Venture CNC microscopeVision touch sensor system for fast and repeatable 3D measurements of small parts.
Portable spectrophotometer for simultaneous measurement of colour and gloss. -
Mecmesin Multitest 2.5tensile and compression testing system for measuring forces up to 2.5 kN
Coordinate machineCOORD3 UNIVERSAL with Renishaw MODUS 1.8 software; measuring range - X=2000mm Y=1500mm Z=1000mm
Venture AB-3-V-CNCCNC vision system
Contact Measuring Machine CMM MITUTOYOMeasuring range: X=900; Y=1600; Z=600 Type Euro Apex C-9106
Optical measuring machine MITUTOYOMeasuring range X=400; Y=400; Z=200 Type QV-L404Z1L-D
Spectrophotometermanual BYK spectro-guide 45/0 gloss